Fresh Start Surgical Gifts + McGann Facial Design: Celebrating A Year of Transforming Lives in San Diego


Fresh Start Surgical Gifts transforms the lives of disadvantaged infants, children, and teens with physical deformities caused by birth defects, accidents, abuse, or disease through the gift of reconstructive surgery and related healthcare services.

Dr. McGann, and the team at McGann Facial Design, serve as the volunteer oral and maxillofacial surgeon for Fresh Start. On October 20th, McGann Facial Design celebrated another year of support and service with Fresh Start Surgical Gifts.

Watch the video shown at the
2012 Fresh Start Surgical Gifts’ Butterfly Ball.


In our next post, we will feature the story of Beloved Jefeti. At 9 years of age, Beloved suffered major oral trauma injury from a landmine in his home country of Zimbabwe. Dr. McGann was introduced to his San Diego host family through Fresh Start Surgical Gifts and donated his time to reconstructing Beloved’s jaw, helping him to regain his smile and show off his “beautiful gems.”


Are you interested in learning more about or becoming involved with Fresh Start Surgical? CLICK HERE to be redirected to the Fresh Start Surgical Website.

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