Facial Profiling?

Female Face Profile

Oral Health Goes Well Beyond Healthy Teeth.
The Face is the “Bearer of Identity, Character, Intelligence, and Beauty”.

According to a report from the Surgeon General in 2000[1], oral health goes well beyond healthy teeth; including but not limited to being free of chronic jaw-facial pain, oral cancers, and a long list of additional ailments. The document goes on to stress the universal importance of the face as the “bearer of identity, character, intelligence and beauty.” In addition to the pure aesthetics of the face, there is scientific literature that supports the assertion that people who suffer from facial disharmony (a facial structure that is out of proportion) experience increased medical problems and appear to age more rapidly.

Why are we sharing this with you? Naturally, we want to help and educate our current and prospective patients.

It is important to appreciate that we have all been trained to believe that if we are unhappy with the appearance of our face, it is perhaps the plastic surgeon who can help us shift something from one spot to another. However, it is now understood that it is often inadequate to simply move soft tissues from one part of the face to another and expect the result to be beautiful. In fact, it is critical that the facial skeletal structures be properly aligned to allow the overlying soft tissues to sit properly.

This is where oral surgeons like Dr. McGann enter the picture. He specializes in office-based surgery to correct facial disharmony that stems from skeletal misalignment. The result of a corrected jaw may not only be dramatic on the outside beauty of the face, but is equally as important on the inside. A more beautiful face can lead to a healthier, happier person.

If you or someone you know is unhappy with the profile or contour of their face, please contact McGann Facial Design for a consultation.

[1] Oral Health in America: A report from the Surgeon General, 2000. www.nidr.nih.gov

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