September 19th is Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Ahoy Mateys! Arrrrrr You Ready for
Talk Like a Pirate Day?



Shiver me timbers, matey! September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! The scallywags of the Seven Seas had awful oral hygiene habits, but ye landlubbers wouldn’t know that! Avast! Ye mateys better be remembering t’swab ‘n floss ye teeth twice a day to avoid a swashbuckling brethren experience! Forget and you’ll be forced to walk the plank! Arrr ye hearing me?

We at McGann Facial Design think that there is a time for fun (and pirate talk), but not when it comes to the care of your teeth! Visit our website to meet our team and learn more about how we can help you FACE the world.

*If ye not be fluent in pirate talk, meaty, visit the Talk Like a Pirate English-to-Pirate translator.

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