Safety & Trust–No Hoverboards Here

Did you see the video of the dentist in Anchorage riding a hoverboard while performing procedures? He even bragged about it by sending the video to friends? Did you also see that he was sentenced to 12 years in jail for reckless endangerment (along with Medicaid Insurance Fraud)? We bring this up because these types of stories surface once and a while. What do we think about it? It reminds us that when we, or one of our loved ones visit any healthcare professional, we naturally want caring and compassionate care. But besides what we want, what do we need? We believe this answer comes down to two key principles which drive our mission at McGann Facial Design.


We strive, at all levels, to make every patient as safe as possible for every procedure. Take a step back and ask, what does that exactly mean? How do you create safety? Well, it starts with Dr. McGann—as a board-certified oral surgeon, he has the training, expertise, and knowledge in all aspects in caring for the oral surgery patient. This continues with a dedication to working only with certified and continuously trained surgical and anesthetic technicians, having life-saving equipment at the ready as part of our accreditation process, and ultimately never forgetting how important each and every one of our patients are to ours and their family.


This also starts and ends with Dr. McGann. There is a lot that goes into becoming a board-certified oral surgeon: years of training, peer-review, lifelong learning, upholding standards to name a few. Embedded within these actions is the concept of beneficence; the concept of doing good for a patient. Doing what is right for people sits at the heart of Dr. McGann’s approach to patient care and is a driving force for the entire practice.

You may not want to visit the oral surgeon, but you likely need to visit the oral surgeon. With that in mind, keep at the top of your mind safety and trust—it has served our patients well for years. And you wont find Dr. McGann on a hoverboard!

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