Today is World Smile Day – What Makes You Smile?


Happy Birthday Smiley!  50 Years of Spreading Smiles.
Do an Act of Kindness. Help One Person Smile.


The Smiley Face was created in America and has been part of American culture since its inception in 1963. In December 1963, Harvey Ball created Smiley for a Worcester, MA Insurance Company. What began as an internal employee morale boosting campaign soon spread around the world to become the international symbol of goodwill and good cheer.

Each year since 1999, on the first Friday in October, people around the world celebrate celebrate World Smile Day, a day dedicated to smiling and making others smile. Ball believed that we could and should devote at least one day each year to smiles and kind acts. When he created the day, Ball asked that everyone to do one act of kindness to make someone else smile.

Here are some fun facts about smiling:
~ Smiling boosts your immune system
~ Smiles relieve stress by releasing endorphins
~ It is easier to smile than to frown
~ Babies are born with the ability to smile
~ There are 19 different types of smiles

Your smile – simple, straightforward, and most importantly, sincere – can attract more than admiring looks. A smiling face tells people that you’re an outgoing and intelligent person worth getting to know. Over the long term, smiling can benefit your health, perception at work, social life, and romantic status. Here at McGann Facial Design, our goal is to help our patients love their smiles and change how they FACE the world. Call us today to learn how we can help your smile. But don’t forget.. in honor of World Smile Day, take a minute to make someone smile today.

To read more about The Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation, click here.
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