Are You and Your Mouth Ready for Valentine’s Day?

Smile Convo Heart

There are a few definite, known things about Valentine’s Day.


Everyone knows that Valentine’s Day is a day of love, that we are supposed to shower our loved ones in displays of affection, and that we are usually eat an unhealthy amount of chocolate. Some revel in the glory of love while others claim the holiday as a “Hallmark Holiday” constructed to sell candy and cards. No matter how you feel about this holiday and its implications, the truth is that there is a ton of lore and history behind it.

Here are some interesting Valentine’s Day trivia facts you may not be aware of:

  • This year, more than $1 billion will be spent on Valentine’s Day chocolates.
  • John Cadbury, a coffee and tea shop owner in Birmingham England discovered the profitability behind chocolate manufacturing in 1822. Although known for their Easter Crème Eggs, in 1822, his son Richard packaged Cadbury chocolates in the world’s first heart-shaped box.
  • Every year, over 1 billion Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged, making it the second largest seasonal card sending time of the year. It is second only to Christmas.
  • The people who receive the most Valentine’s Day cards are teachers, followed by children, mothers, wives, sweethearts, and pets.
  • Most flowers sold in the United States on Valentine’s Day are imported from South America. 15 percent of American women send themselves flowers on Valentine’s Day.
  • In Victorian times it was considered bad luck to sign a Valentine’s Day card.
  • Many believe the X symbol became synonymous with the kiss in medieval times. People who couldn’t write their names signed in front of a witness with an X. The X was then kissed to show their sincerity.
  • NECCO has been making heart-shaped candies with sweet sayings since 1902!
  • If you’re missing your sweetheart on Valentine’s Day and call them to say “hello”, you can thank Alexander Graham Bell. It was on Valentine’s Day in 1876 that he applied for a patent for the telephone.
  • Though it is often claimed to be a holiday made up by Hallmark, the greeting card company didn’t produce its first Valentine’s Day card until 1913. This is literally centuries after the first declaration of the official holiday in 1537.
  • In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who would be their Valentine. They would wear this name pinned onto their sleeves for one week for everyone to see. This was the origin of the expression “to wear your heart on your sleeve.”


Now that you are an expert on Valentine’s Day…is your mouth ready? Here are some things you can do to make sure you have a kissable mouth this Valentine’s Day.

  • Valentine’s Day and candy go hand in hand; so while you satisfy your sweet tooth, remember that the bacteria that cause cavities thrive in sugar. If you can’t brush your teeth after a sweet treat, have a glass of water to remove some of that sugar.
  • Drink water often throughout the day. One of the leading causes of bad breath is dry mouth. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps to wash food particles out of your mouth and prevents dehydration, a leading cause of bad breath.
  • On the subject of bad breath, be sure to clean or brush your tongue on a daily basis to ensure that your mouth is clean and that your breath is fresh.
  • There are so many choices for toothpaste, it’s hard to know which is right for you. We recommend a toothpaste with fluoride to help fight cavities. Whatever brand you choose, be sure it includes fluoride.
  • Make sure you are brushing properly. Although you probably know you should brush your teeth at least twice a day, if you’re like most people, you don’t give much thought to how to do it. Hold the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle, pointed toward the gum line, and use gentle, short, circular motions. Brush each tooth 10 to 15 times, but don’t overdo it. Overly aggressive brushing can damage teeth and erode your gum line.
  • Floss. It’s simple: flossing fosters healthier teeth and gums. Flossing removes hidden food particles and plaque, a coating of bacteria that forms around the tooth. Flossing also helps prevent periodontal disease, another common cause of bad breath.
  • Mouthwash can be good, but if your mouthwash contains alcohol (as many do) be careful! It can dry out the tissues of your mouth causing damage and a characteristic bad smell.


As you celebrate your love with someone special, remember to also take care of your smile. Happy Valentine’s Day from the team at McGann Facial Design!

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