top oral surgery fears


  An estimated 20% of Americans experience enough anxiety that they will go the dentist only when absolutely necessary. The ‘Root’ Causes Here are the primary fears for patients that can cause them to delay or avoid seeking preventative and emergency dental care: 2/3 of patients relate their fear to a bad experience in the […]


  An estimated 20% of Americans experience enough anxiety that they will go the dentist only when absolutely necessary. Peter Milgrom, DDS, Director of the Dental Fears Research Clinic at the University of Washington and author of Treating Fearful Dental Patients shares tips to help you overcome your fear of the oral surgery and dental […]


  First Thing–You are Not Alone. An estimated 20% of Americans experience enough anxiety that they will go the dentist only when absolutely necessary. Further, Americans are not alone when it comes to this issue. The percentage of patients who experience dental anxiety is nearly identical in places like Australia. Peter Milgrom, DDS, Director of […]

New Year Resolution? Dentistry Fears

  An estimated 20% of Americans experience enough anxiety that they will go the dentist only when absolutely necessary. Peter Milgrom, DDS, Director of the Dental Fears Research Clinic at the University of Washington and author of Treating Fearful Dental Patients shares tips to help you overcome your fear of the oral surgery and dental […]


  An estimated 20% of Americans experience enough anxiety that they will go the dentist only when absolutely necessary. Peter Milgrom, DDS, Director of the Dental Fears Research Clinic at the University of Washington and author of Treating Fearful Dental Patients shares tips to help you overcome your fear of the oral surgery and dental […]