
Fun in the Sun Dental Tips

Here are Five “Fun in the Sun” Dental Tips to Help You Smile All Summer Long! It’s now June and the Summer season is on! As the weather continues to heat up, there are even more reasons to care for your smile. Enjoy the sunshine, sports, and summery treats without damaging your pearly whites. FIVE […]

The Age of Wisdom…Teeth!

It may not feel like it yet, but Spring Break is right around the corner and will be here right before you know it! Many young adults will be returning to their hometown of San Diego for the three S’s — Sun, Surf, and Surgery! We know you were not expecting the last one but […]

Fun in the Sun Dental Tips

Here are Five “Fun in the Sun” Dental Tips to Help You Smile All Summer Long! It’s July and Summer is now in full swing! As the weather continues to heat up, there are even more reasons to care for your smile. Enjoy the sunshine, sports, and summery treats without damaging your pearly whites. FIVE […]

The Age of Wisdom…Teeth!

As the school year winds down, many young adults will be returning to their hometown of San Diego for the three S’s — Sun, Surf, and Surgery! We know you were not expecting the last one but it’s true. Many college-aged men and women are informed by their dentists that they need their wisdom teeth […]

5 Fun in the Sun Dental Tips

Here are Five “Fun in the Sun” Dental Tips to Help You Smile All Summer Long! It’s July and Summer is now in full swing. July, which has 31 days and is the seventh month in the modern calendar, was originally called Quintilis, which means “fifth”.  Prior to the advent of the 12-month calendar it […]

5 Fun in the Sun Dental Tips

Here are Five “Fun in the Sun” Dental Tips to Help You Smile All Summer Long!   It’s July and Summer is in full swing. July, which has 31 days and is the seventh month in the modern calendar, was originally called Quintilis, which means “fifth”.  Prior to the advent of the 12-month calendar it […]

Oral Cancer: Are You At Risk?

    While many people think oral cancer is a rare cancer, mouth cancers will be newly diagnosed in about 115 new individuals each day in the United States alone, and 1 person dies from oral cancer every hour of every day. Early detection and screening is key – we want you to know some […]

The Age of Wisdom…Teeth!

As the school year winds down, many young adults will be returning to their hometown of San Diego for the three S’s — Sun, Surf, and Surgery! We know you were not expecting the last one but it’s true. Many college-aged men and women are informed by their dentists that they need their wisdom teeth […]