
Summer School!

Summer Drinks & Your Teeth We know, with all the rain this year, summer has to be on your mind as much as it is ours! That said, Aas we roll into summer, there is sometimes nothing better than an ice cold drink. But choosing the best drink for your smile is not always an […]

pH & Your Summer Drink

Summer Drinks & Your Teeth As we roll into summer, there is sometimes nothing better than an ice cold drink. But choosing the best drink for your smile is not always an easy task. Some of the most common frosty beverages are loaded with sugars and acids that can attack your tooth enamel. Read on […]

The Facts About pH and Your Summer Drink

  Are Your Summer Drinks Hurting Your Teeth? As we roll into summer, there is sometimes nothing better than an ice cold drink. But choosing the best drink for your smile is not always an easy task. Some of the most common frosty beverages are loaded with sugars and acids that can attack your tooth […]

Protect Your Smile From White Spots

White spots appear on our teeth for a variety of reasons. Although not all of them are harmful to our oral health, they still prevent our smile from truly shining through. Today we want to share with you some of the most common reasons these white spots appear, and what treatment is available to remove them and […]

Chewing Gum: One of the Oldest Ways to Clean Your Mouth

Chewing Gum is perhaps the world’s oldest confection…it began as an edible treat from trees.   In our history of odd oral cleaning techniques and tools, humans have used animal hair to make toothbrushes, crushed shells to use as toothpaste, and re-purposed tortoise blood as mouthwash. When discovering and designing medical technologies, it seems nothing […]

Myth or Fact? 8 Common Dental Myths Debunked.

Myth or Fact? Let’s Separate Fact From Fiction…   You hear tips about your oral health all the time – from friends, family, the media, advertisements, and more…so how do you know what to believe and what to ignore? Let’s separate fact from fiction and reveal the truth about these dental myths. Myth #1: Brushing […]

To Floss or Not To Floss? That is the Question.

Should You Floss or Not? Just Floss…It’s Not Going to Hurt!   The U.S. Department of Health’s latest decision to not include flossing in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, coupled with the Associated Press’ recent report that the recommendation for flossing lacks evidence that flossing helps is creating a lot of confusion…but don’t throw out your […]

Clean Teeth = Good Health

Teeth Care = Health Care Okay. So all of us have been told that regular visits to the dentist are good for us and good for our health. Here are a few reasons why having your teeth cleaned regularly is a good idea. 1. To Help Prevent Bad Breath: Persistent bad breath, or halitosis, has […]