On October 3rd, McGann Facial Design hosted leading dental practices throughout San Diego to hear Greg Clowminzer, a noted business and life coach, speak about how to grow one’s practice. The message focused on how leadership, at all levels, and self-awareness can lead to increased productivity and ultimately a better patient experience.
Do you ever feel that there is never enough time in the day to get everything done? This was just one of the topics tackled by Mr. Clowminzer. No doubt, we have all felt that way one day or another. Greg challenged us to not think about managing our time, but our energy. Personal energy is really the engine of productivity. If we understand our own internal cycles, focusing our high-energy periods on difficult or challenging topics, the productivity will show.
Greg also introduced the 20/20/20 tool, recommending that every individual should spend 20 minutes a day moving (exercise), learning, and journaling. Mr. Clowminzer asserts that utilizing this tool can keep both the mind and body balanced enough to make everyday challenges of work and life a little less, well, challenging.
The McGann Facial Design leadership in dentistry practice will continue with additional topics in the future — stay up to date at mcgannfacialdesign.com to see our latest news and upcoming events.