Happy Valentine’s Day!

smile convo heart

will you be mine?

candy, flowers, gifts, and more sweets are on everybody’s mind today. here are a few ideas to love your teeth on this valentine’s day:

  • use heart-shaped cookie cutters to make children’s sandwiches, pancakes, toast, etc. to give your everyday meals a sweet valentine’s touch without adding extra sugar to the day.
  • chocolate is a better option than gummy, hard, or sticky candies. chocolate dissolves quickly in the mouth, giving it less contact with teeth. chewy, sticky candies like caramels are more damaging because they linger on teeth. not only are they high in sugar, they and are more difficult for saliva to break down. choose solid chocolates (vs. those with chewy or sugary centers). another tip? dark chocolate usually contains less sugar than milk chocolates.
  • valentine’s day has plenty of traditional gift options aside from candy. give your sweetheart flowers, a card, jewelry, a book, music, a hand-made gift, or a special night out in lieu of the standard heart shaped box of sweets.


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if you do receive valentine’s day candy and indulge your holiday sweet tooth, it’s best to enjoy goodies as part of, or immediately following a meal, rather than enjoying treats all throughout the day. another good tip to is to stick to a small serving of your favorite sweets followed by swishing/drinking some water, chewing sugar-free gum, or brushing soon after finishing to wash away some of the sticky sugar residue.

overall, properly cared for teeth are best able to hold up well to treats. treats are fine, as long as you don’t overdo it. love your teeth by maintaining a good oral hygiene routine – flossing daily, proper brushing, regular cleanings and check-ups. remember that sugar is not the only way to be “sweet” on valentine’s day!

we at mcgann facial design wish you, your loved ones, and your smile a very happy valentine’s day!


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